Peperomia Plant
This article contains: Appearance Potting Mix and planting Sunlight Water Fertilizer Repotting: Propagation Diseases Toxicity Common problem
4/18/20234 min read

The Peperomia plant is a great choice as an indoor plant. Its native place is South America. It grows very slowly and does not require maintenance, looks beautiful and a good air purifier plant. It has fleshy and shiny leaves. It is one of the succulent ornamental plants. With some proper care you can decorate your house with Peperomia. Peperomia's flowers look like conical spikes. They are mainly yellow or brown in colour.
Always keep your houseplant clean. The main reason for cleaning plants is to remove dust from the leaves and improve their appearance. All plants prepare their food with the help of sunlight. If the leaves surface is clean more sunlight will be received and more energy will be prepared and your plant will grow healthy and happily. Peperomia grows 12-15 inches in height and 6-18 inches in width.
By keeping a plant clean we can keep it away from pests and diseases.
Potting mix and Planting:
Peperomia likes well-draining soil. To make a potting mix for peperomia you can
take a mixture of 50 percent garden soil, 20 percent cocopeat, 10 percent river sand and 10 percent compost. This potting mix is best for Peperomia.
Take any pot or container (I prefer clay pot) , make 3 to 4 drainage holes at the bottom and cover those holes with some stones, so as not to drain soil from it. Peperomia grows very slowly so you can use a small pot also. Fill the pot with 40% potting mix and then place the plant on it and put the remaining potting mix around it and press it gently.
Peperomia likes bright, indirect sunlight. Make sure that they do not get excessive direct sunlight during summer, as this can cause leaf scorching. Direct sunlight will lose the colour of leaves and make some spots on it. If Peperomia never gets direct sunlight but gets fresh outside light then also it will grow healthy.
You can observe your plant's growth for one to two weeks and decide the proper place for it. If it develops new and shiny leaves then it will be at the perfect place. But if it does not show new growth and drop their old leaves then the place of your plant is wrong.
My peperomia never sees direct sunlight but it grows healthy. Low light is best for the Peperomia plant.
Peperomia is a succulent type of plant so it does not require much water. You can water it twice a week in winter and every alternate day in summer or also check the upper layer of soil, if it is dry up to 1 inch in depth then water it well. According to me almost every plant can tolerate some underwatering but over watering cannot be tolerated. So, it is best to check soil before watering it.
Spring is the growing season of Peperomia. You can fertilize it in spring and in summer once every two months. I prefer compost or any organic fertilizer for Peperomia plants. Peperomia plants are mainly popular for their leaves’ beauty so you can use nitrogen base fertilizer or 20-20-20 fertilizer containing equal parts of nitrogen, potassium, and iron. You can also use organic liquid fertilizers. Peperomia can also grow with low fertilizers. It will never complain to you for fertilizer, without fertiliser also it will grow well in perfect circumstances.
Peperomia can grow very well in small pots also so there is no need to repot it every year. Repotting it once every 3-4 years in a slightly bigger pot is fine or also repot it when it shows some root bounds. Peperomia enjoy somewhat root bound.
Peperomia can propagate using single leaf or stem cutting. One thing to keep in mind when you are taking cutting from a plant is to use sharp and sterilized tools because it takes plants away from fungus attacks. Before taking a cutting prepare soil try. Use succulent potting mix to grow peperomia cuttings. Then take a 4–5-inch size cutting and remove the lower 2-3 leaves with your hand gently pulling it. This way the stem cutting as well as leaf cutting also will be made. Now make one-inch holes in soil with some sticks so you can easily put the stem cutting in it. Put stem cutting in those holes and pressed gently. Water it thoroughly and cover that cutting with polythene to retain moisture for a few days. Roots start to develop in 1-2 weeks and when you see new leaves growth on cutting means it is ready for transplant. Now repot it into a 4-inch pot.
Same as all procedures for leaves cutting grow. Just put the leaves that are connected to the stem in a potting mix and cover that part with a potting mix. Then follow the rest of the procedure as same as stem cutting growing.
Root rot is the main disease in Peperomia which is caused by fungi. Over watering is the main reason for it.
Peperomia is nontoxic plant so do not need to worry if you have pets or small kids in your home.
Some common problems facing to grow peperomia:
1) Leaf yellowing Problem:
This is the common problem with peperomia. Many people have the same problem. This happens due to over watering. The stem and the roots of the plant start to rot. The soil is completely soggy. The plant gives the intimation by turning its leaves yellow and starting to fall off. So to revive the plants, repot it immediately in dry soil when it shows yellow leaves with soggy soil.
2) Leaves discoloration and falling off:
Always need not to worry about Leaves discoloration and falling off. It is natural that when a plant develops new growth it drops some lower leaves. But when it drops leaves and does not show new growth that means it does not get enough sunlight.
3) Leaves curling and shows abnormal growth:
The peperomia commonly grows for their shiny leaves. Such plants require nitrogen and potassium to develop their foliage. When the plants do not get enough nutrients, it loses their leaves' beauty. It beacons curly with abnormal green colour. Sometimes it shows wrinkles on the edges and some spots on the leaves. But peperomia do very well even if it does not get frequent fertilization. So, this is not the common problem with peperomia but I suggest fertilizing it every month in its growing season.