Begonia Plant

This article contains: Appearance Potting Mix and planting Sunlight Water Fertilizer Repotting Propagation Diseases Toxicity Common problems

4/11/20234 min read


Begonia is one of the succulent plants. It has small rounded shiny leaves. The colour of the leaves is green or burgundy. This is a summer blooming plant. It has small flowers with red, pink, and white in colour. Its stem is so soft it will easily break or rot even if it gets very little overwater. My observation is that begonia changes its leaves colour if it gets more sunlight. If planted in open space means without shade the colours of leaves turn burgundy. It will do very well even in shade if it gets enough bright light.

Potting Mix and planting:

Begonia is the succulent type of plant, so it requires well drained soil. So, to make well drained soil take 60 garden soil, 20 percent cocopeat, 10 percent sand, 10 percent compost. Take any pot of 6 inch and make 3-4 drainage holes at the bottom.

Cover those holes with stone so that excess water will drain out from the holes, add ¼ potting mix into the pot and palace the plant at the centre of the pot. Now add the more potting mix around the plant and gently press it. Handle the plant very carefully at the time of planting because its stems get damaged or break because it is so soft.

After planting it, water it thoroughly. Put it in shade for at least 2 days and afterwards put it anywhere where it gets bright light.



The Begonia plant requires indirect sunlight. It will do very well in partial shade or in complete shade also if it gets enough outside bright light. Do not put begonia in direct sunlight because the leaves of begonia get burned in direct harsh sunlight. Morning sunlight or evening sunlight is also best for begonia. It changes the leaves colour as the light intensity. If it gets more bright light the leaves' colour changes to burgundy otherwise it is green.



Begonia is the succulent type of plant, so it does not require much water. In summer water it every alternate day. On rainy days water it once in 4 days. The best way to check the soil first is if the upper 1 to 1 and half inch layer gets dry then water it.

Begonia goes into dormant time into the winter so in winter water it only once in a week.

Do not let the soil completely dry, just let it dry 1 inch.

I have noticed one thing that is if the leaves of the begonia get wet at the time of watering it that wet leaves get rot so be careful when you water the begonia. I suggest that you use a small funnel watering pot to water the begonia and water it very carefully near to the soil. So, the leaves will not get wet. Most of the begonia plant dies due to overwatering. Its stem is so soft so it will rot very early even if it gets a little bit overwatered.

So, avoid over-watering it.



Use good quality compost at the time of planting into the potting mix. After that in its growing and blooming season use liquid fertilizer once in two to three weeks. summer Is the blooming season of begonia. You can also use compost at the growing and blooming season. Just add one handful of compost to the soil and water it. Avoid over fertilizing the begonia and never fertilize it into winter, this the dormant time of begonia.



begonia enjoys somewhat root bounds so when the pot gets completely filled with roots then repot it in a slightly bigger pot. Make 3-4 drainage holes at the bottom of the new pot and cover those holes with some stones and fill with some potting mix. Now gently remove the plant from the current pot and put it at the centre of the new pot. fill the rest of the potting mix around the plant. Gently press it with your hands. water it thoroughly.

The rainy season is the best for repotting the plant.


Begonia is easily propagated through stem cutting. Many people propagate begonia in water, but I tried to grow cutting soil. It will give better results than water. So, take a small cutting about 4-5 inch, remove the lower leaves. Always take cutting with sterilized and sharp tools. Now dip the cutting into rooting hormone powder and grow it into a small pot in a succulent potting mix. Put that pot into the shade. For the first time, water it thoroughly and keep it moist, not soggy. In 2-3 weeks, roots start to develop and when you see new growth you can plant it into a slightly bigger pot.


Stem rot or root rot is the main disease I have seen in begonia. This happens due to overwatering so avoid overwatering it. Begonia has leaves spots or discoloration disease caused by fungal or bacterial.



Some of the begonia plants sap can be toxic or irritating. So just keep pets and kids away from the plant.


Common problems:

The common problem happen with the begonia is-

1)Leaves turning brown or leaf spots:

This will happen due to underwatering means low humidity so do not let it dry completely just let it dry about 1-2 inch and then water it.

Leaf spots occur due to being directly exposed in harsh sunlight. Some of the variety of begonia can tolerate direct sunlight but some can get burned into direct sunlight so keep the plant into shade or in partial shade.


2)Root and stem rot-

This will happen due to overwatering so avoid over watering just check soil first then water it.

3)Leaf rot _

I observe this on my plant when I water the plant. Some water drops on the leaves also and those leaves rot in the next 2-3 days. So avoid dropping the water on the leaves.